What Type of Jobs Can Scientists & Science Graduates Get in the Pharma Industry?
As a science graduate or scientist, you have a large and varied selection of opportunities within the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.
With so many options, it can be difficult to find your feet and figure out where to start.
Unfortunately, there isn’t one set of specific job titles that every company uses, and the requirements for similar jobs can (and do) change between companies.
The specific opportunities will depend on the company and what they’re manufacturing, but there are some general guidelines you can follow to make your search a little easier.
Our number one piece of advice is to read job adverts.
Until you really get to grips with industry opportunities, don’t discount jobs based on their title alone. Even jobs that sound kind of niche often have some flexibility around degree subject and experience level required. Science roles in pharma are often more about the skills you have, than the title of your degree.
But for specialist advice based on your degree subject, click on one of the links below: